League of Conservation Voters poll only gets 73% of young people to say GOP deniers are ‘crazy’

The Guardian reports:

Republicans in Congress who reject the science behind climate change could soon be reduced to political fossils, with new polling on Wednesday suggesting three-quarters of young voters find such views “ignorant, out of touch or crazy”.

The bipartisan poll conducted for the League of Conservation Voters found solid 80% support among under-35 voters for Barack Obama’s climate change plan – and majority support even among those who oppose the president.

On the flip side the poll found three-quarters of voters, or 73%, would oppose members of Congress who stood in the way of Obama’s climate action plan.

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3 thoughts on “League of Conservation Voters poll only gets 73% of young people to say GOP deniers are ‘crazy’”

  1. I participated in an association-mining survey by an East Coast university, I forget which. It appeared interesting, and the test showed that there was something to it. You know those riddles with coloured words, where you are shown how colour trupms meaning — that kind of stuff. So I signed up and started the survey. The first task was to establish my racial preference. They showed a bunch of people’s faces and I needed to quickly push a button indicating a positive/negative response (pleasant/unpleasant, or some such thing). The responses were timed, I presume, to rank confidence. My first objection as I started the test was that nearly all the faces of black people were cute, while most of the white people’s faces were ugly. I thought, maybe it’s just me. Maybe other people would disagree with my preferences. The result on that test was that I had “a mild racial preference” (without saying which way it was). The next task was about organic/normal food. I was informed that I was “exremely prejudiced” against organic food. The third one informed me that I was “extremely prejudiced” against “eco-friendly” products (the test was about light bulbs and cold wash). When I went on to the next task (there were 20 more left), I saw a message on the screen informing me that I was disqualified from the survey. I guess my “associations” were all wrong.

  2. Notice there is no mention of how the sampling was done or how the questions were worded, etc. Pollsters can get nearly any results they want.


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