Intolerant: MSNBC calls plea for ‘tolerance’ from skeptic GOP Senator ‘disconcerting’

MSNBC’s Steve Benen writes:

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) realizes that conservatives tend to be at odds with the reality-based community when it comes to climate science, but he nevertheless hopes the latter will be “tolerant” of the former.

“At the very least, I think it’s time for some tolerance in the public discourse regarding the many scientific viewpoints on climate change. Respect should be shown to those who have done the research and come to a different conclusion,” Wicker said during a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on climate science.

This comes up from time to time, and it’s always disconcerting. There’s a political dispute underway about an issue with unrivaled consequences — the climate crisis has the capacity to change conditions on the planet to the detriment of humanity. One side of this political argument is relying on evidence and science to draw attention to a potentially catastrophic problem in the hopes of coming up with a solution.[Emphasis added]

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8 thoughts on “Intolerant: MSNBC calls plea for ‘tolerance’ from skeptic GOP Senator ‘disconcerting’”

  1. Wow, the first 20 comments are all Maddow’s ditto-heads. They are so self-righteous and contemptuous of others ability to have a dissenting viewpoint. For so-called progressives, they are also surprisingly violent in some of their comments. I see now how the Gulags came about.

  2. If a tree falls in the forest, that’s from global warming and it’s bad. If a tree grows in a forest, that’s from global warming and it’s bad, somehow. If the sun rises in the east, that’s from global warming and women and minorities will be hit hardest.

  3. If a tree fell in the forest…would MSNBC say it was caused by global warming?

  4. Progressives have conveniently changed the definition of “tolerance”. In their terms it means ‘listen to us and shut the *&&^% up’ . Case in point – “The debate is over”.

  5. When was it decided that any change in the climate would be “catastrophic” and not “beneficial”? Many people have been brainwashed to believe that a slightly warmer climate would be “disasterous”, but I personally fear a colder climate which is more likely.

  6. I’ll put my reality-based community against this smug DB’s reality based community any day!

  7. Any MSNBC staff member has weak credentials in the reality-based community. Like so many “progressives”, Benen only wants freedom or respect for his position. But then, leading off with “… realizes that conservatives tend to be at odds with the reality-based community …” shows us what kind of respect or tolerance to expect.

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