Guv: Maryland ‘has moral imperative’ to stop global warming; Task is ‘life-and-death’ hard

The Baltimore Sun reports:

Gov. Martin O’Malley said Thursday Maryland has a “moral imperative” to avert climate change and that the state has been falling short of its ambitious goal to cut greenhouse gases emissions by 25 percent by 2020.

To meet the goal, O’Malley outlined several strategies for more quickly reducing the release of gases driving global warming — including increasing renewable energy sources, boosting composting programs, doubling ridership on public transit and cutting energy consumption.
“This work is hard,” O’Malley said during a climate change summit outside Baltimore. “It is life and death hard.”

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10 thoughts on “Guv: Maryland ‘has moral imperative’ to stop global warming; Task is ‘life-and-death’ hard”

  1. You’d think Maryland has enough problems that would take precedent of saving the planet. Before O’Malley, putting in a green energy project only took about a year in permitting. I’d hate to try that now.

  2. Why do these kooks always try to force people to mass transit?
    Transit DOES NOT save energy and it costs several times what cars cost and is usually slower than driving.

  3. Shouldnt he clean up the prison system first, he cant possibly know less about that than he does the climate

  4. Ah, “life and death hard.”

    Does this mean if Mr. O’Malley’s efforts to screw the people of the Old Line State utterly and completely with the illusion that anything done in Maryland can alter the global climate in any way, he’s going to die?

    Speed the plow.

  5. We have a bloke here in Australia who spoke in a similar vein … “greatest moral challenge of our time.” He was the Prime Minister then, got knifed by the Witch, climbed from the cauldron, smighted the Witch and was reinstated to his Prime Ministerial position … none other than the serial twat, Kevin Rudd. One of his first actions upon reinstatement was to announce the abolition of the Carbon (dioxide) Tax that he had previously created.

    Tell the Guv’nor to call Mr Rudd and let him explain why this scam is no longer a “moral imperative”.

  6. I’m not looking forward to how this will be carried out by the Kool-Aid (er, Fool-Aid) drinkers here in MoCo Council and the MoCo Executive agencies. Ick.

  7. Martin O’Malley, as chairman of Hillary Clinton’s Maryland presidential committee, learned in 2008 that if you don’t kiss the feet of the most liberal members of the Democratic party you’ll never get nominated. As a result the state of Maryland has become a test bed for a plethora of new taxes and fees. The state is now on the hook for $1.7 billion dollars in extra fees on their electricity bills over the next 30 years. As a small business owner with a company that makes things, I have the privilege of paying an extra $500 a year on my electric bill to pay for offshore wind farms that won’t be operational for at least another 5 years. I wonder if I’ll still be in business by then?

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