GOP can embrace 97% consensus w/o embracing Democrat big gov’t, says anonymous GOP staffer

If I wrote that, I’d want to remain anonymous, too.

An anonymous conservative staffer writes in a pro-carbon tax essay at Real Clear Science:

Republicans don’t have to choose between conceding to the left and denying the science. There are genuine pro-growth solutions that align with conservative values. Republicans can admit that 97 percent of scientists just might be right without having to embrace Democratic ideas that would grow government…

In the past year, a movement of conservatives outside of Congress has pushed a market-based solution to climate change. This conservative alternative envisions a phase-out of subsidies for all sources of energy coupled with a revenue-neutral carbon tax swap. This is exactly the kind of proposal that gives Republicans the chance to win both in a messaging battle and on policy merits.

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5 thoughts on “GOP can embrace 97% consensus w/o embracing Democrat big gov’t, says anonymous GOP staffer”

  1. There is no sense in voting for a party that agrees so much with the left. As has been said I did not leave, the party the party left me.

  2. So, the conservative solution is to adopt the left’s position, almost? The wrinkle is to reduce income taxes but add a carbon tax? The contest was rigged to produce the results they got, no really independent thought.
    No wonder you folks in SC sent Mr. Inglis packing.

  3. “In the past year, a movement of conservatives outside of Congress has pushed a market-based solution to climate change.”

    This smacks of Bob Inglis, whom we fired with prejudice.

  4. “There are genuine pro-growth solutions that align with conservative values.” (about carbon taxing) OK, name one.
    A Rwpublican proposing such heresy should be sacked from the Repubicans.
    Maybe he can find fellow travellers in the Democrat Party.

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