Gasland director: Obama climate plan is ‘advocacy for fracked gas all over the United States and all over the world’

MSNBC reports:

You may have missed it with all the news coming from the Supreme Court, but President Obama last week announced a plan to address climate change, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to 17% below their 2005 levels. Part of the president’s plan involves moving away from coal and investing in natural gas, which he described as cleaner and safer.

Not all environmental advocates view the plan as a step forward. “This plan is advocacy for fracked gas all over the United States and all over the world,” said documentary filmmaker Josh Fox on Sunday’s Melissa Harris-Perry on Sunday. Fox is the director of the HBO documentaries Gasland and the follow-up Gasland Part II, which premieres on Monday. Both films explore the safety of hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”), a drilling technology used to release natural gas.

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2 thoughts on “Gasland director: Obama climate plan is ‘advocacy for fracked gas all over the United States and all over the world’”

  1. Fracking has been employed for most of half a century to find oil as well as gas, and quite safely duriing this time, much to the chagrin of the “environmental advocates”, who mainly are Watermelons- red on the inside and green on the outside. They still want to bring socialism to the U.S.

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