Enviros sue in San Francisco to stop Appalachian coal exports from Baltimore

The Associated Press reports:

Environmental activists sued the federal government Wednesday over the exports of Appalachian coal to Europe and Asia, arguing it approved a $90 million loan guarantee to one company without considering the implications for air and water pollution along the transportation route.

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco says communities near the mines, ports and railways that connect them are all affected, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank was required to review the environmental impacts of its financing decision under the National Environmental Policy Act.

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8 thoughts on “Enviros sue in San Francisco to stop Appalachian coal exports from Baltimore”

  1. Jim, you’ve inspired me, so what follows is your own fault.
    The “watermelons” believe two things: that we have too much stuff overall and that the rich stole what they (actually the watermelons include me) have from the poor.
    So their answer is to reduce the available stuff, which would harm the poor more than anyone else, and then take what the rich have and give it to the poor.
    Of course this doesn’t work, but it is the plan. “Atlas Shrugged” was supposed to be a fictional warning but some have made it a plan.

  2. Tee hee hee hee hee. The environmentalists who create corporate groups so they can pol their resources and sue, thus coming up with a mythical “standing” that they happily deny to others, are probably mostly enemies of “Citizens United.” They’re the kind of people who want to explicitly deny corporations the status to speak and to sue — which means they would not be able to speak or to sue.

  3. You only have standing if you are an environmentalist. If you are opposing regulation, then you do not have standing even if the law affects you directly. This was most eggregious in the CO2 tailoring rule, where the courts declared that effectively no one had standing to challenge the rule because the it “helped” them.

  4. I drive under the railroad track carrying the coal every day. It goes over the Baltimore Beltway on I-695. There are no differences to be seen on that freeway or nearby surface roads what-so-ever.

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