Dem Virgina Guv candidate vows no ‘witch hunts’ against scientists

Is that what a Freedom of Information Act request is?

The Virginia-Pilot reports:

Sitting around a conference table with a group of scientists Tuesday at Old Dominion University, Terry McAuliffe sounded a reassuring note:

“If I ever disagree with you when I’m governor, I will never sue you, I promise.”

The Democratic nominee for governor stopped by ODU on a campaign swing with a prominent academic whose profile was kicked up a notch by a legal tussle with McAuliffe’s Republican opponent, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

Michael Mann, a leading climate-change researcher at Pennsylvania State University, was the target of a 2010 fraud investigation by Cuccinelli, a climate-change skeptic.

The attorney general tried to subpoena thousands of Mann’s emails from his time at the University of Virginia, alleging that he may have misused government grants in his research.

The state Supreme Court ultimately ruled in Mann’s favor, halting the inquiry, but not before U.Va. spent $570,000 in legal fees defending the scientist.

McAuliffe, a former Democratic national chairman, told the scientists at ODU’s Center for Bioelectrics that he wants to nourish and diversify Virginia’s economy “by bringing in folks like you and not having political witch hunts against professors who we may not agree with.”

5 thoughts on “Dem Virgina Guv candidate vows no ‘witch hunts’ against scientists”

  1. It’s a matter of definition – “denialists” aren’t “scientists”

    They’re some other form of life, or so I have been told by Joe Romm and Andy Dessler

  2. This is precisely the antithesis of democracy. These people can call themselves anything they want, but we should stop referring to them as Democrats.

  3. McAuliffe has consistently taken positions against any kind of accountability of people with their hands on public pursestrings, especially those in his own political party..

  4. As far as I’m concerned it’s Halloween every day where this is concerned.

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