Claim: Rising CO2 Levels Already Killing Ocean Life

The pH in coastal areas is so variable its hard to believe that whatever minor changes in ph have occurred have had any effect on anything.

Marine “scientist” Matt Huelsenbeck blathers at LiveScience:

Scientists already see ocean acidification harming marine animals like oysters, mussels and clams as well as coral reefs and floating marine snails called pteropods, dubbed the “potato chips of the sea” because of their significance to marine food webs. In the last decade, ocean acidification killed many oyster larvae at the Whisky Creek oyster hatchery in Oregon, shrunk the shells of pteropods in the Southern Ocean and slowed coral growth on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

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4 thoughts on “Claim: Rising CO2 Levels Already Killing Ocean Life”

  1. A “degree in environmental studies” is awarded to someone who spent 4 years at a liberal arts college looking out the window at the grass and trees.

  2. Oceans Absorb Less Carbon Dioxide as Marine Systems Change

    Seagrass meadows cover about 300,000 kilometers of the ocean and store some 15 percent of the ocean’s carbon.
    The oceans are by far the largest carbon sink in the world. Some 93 percent of carbon dioxide is stored in algae, vegetation, and coral under the sea.
    But oceans are not able to absorb all of the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels. In fact, a recent study suggests that the oceans have absorbed a smaller proportion of fossil-fuel emissions, nearly 10 percent less, since 2000.

    The study, published in the current issue of Nature, is the first to quantify the perceived trend that oceans are becoming less efficient carbon sinks.

  3. Oceana is an evironmental activists organization. This guy has a degree in environmental studies, whatever that is. A search of the U of Miami web site didn’t readily identify that major. Oceana’s chief scientist for the US doesn’t mention any academic training in his bio. Not very convincing

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