Brainwashing in limbo: Not clear that warmism will be taught in English primary schools

A seeming reverse of last week’s announcement.

The Guardian reports:

After months of angst and debate over the omission of the term “climate change” from the draft version of the new geography curriculum for key stages 1-3, the Department for Education has today released the new wording.

The two versions remain virtually word-for-word the same, except for this section of the key stage 3 “subject content”. Under the head “human and physical geography”, the draft wording (pdf), first published in March, said that pupils should be taught to:

… understand how human and physical processes interact to have an impact on and form distinctive landscapes.

The new version (pdf) has now been amended to say:

… understand how human and physical processes interact to influence, and change landscapes, environments and the climate; and how human activity relies on effective functioning of natural systems.

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Read last week’s announcement.

3 thoughts on “Brainwashing in limbo: Not clear that warmism will be taught in English primary schools”

  1. On the other hand, they can no longer use these guidelines to sack people who teach real science. I realise how insignificant the population of real scientists is, and how few of them are willing to teach, but still. It can’t be worse than it was.

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