Bloomberg hits skeptics during Statue of Liberty re-opening

The Washington Guardian reports:

Eight months after Hurricane Sandy, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell made good on the Obama administration’s promise to reopen the storm-battered Statue of Liberty by the Fourth of July. And some used the festivities Thursday to focus fresh attention on disaster preparedness and climate change…

Bloomberg made a point to criticize skeptics.

Citing increased storms, droughts and floods, Bloomberg dismissed arguments against climate change as “myopic.” Menendez agreed, saying climate change poses a challenge.

The remarks came a week after President Obama unveiled his new climate policy, including regulations on greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants.

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2 thoughts on “Bloomberg hits skeptics during Statue of Liberty re-opening”

  1. Don’t forget that if we listened to hanson in 88 both islands would be forever flooded by now.

  2. Google Earth shows Liberty Island – and Ellis Island – at 7 feet above sea level. They will flood again. And again. I doesn’t matter at all what Man does, they will flood again.

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