Aussie PM challenges oppo leader to climate debate

World News Australia reports:

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has challenged Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to a debate on measures to tackle climate change.

Mr Rudd on Tuesday announced plans to “terminate” the fixed carbon price and move Australia faster to a floating price emissions trading scheme.

The plan will cost $3.8 billion in revenue but Labor has also proposed offsetting budget cuts, including public service job losses, to pay for it.

Anticipating a coalition attack over the move, Mr Rudd also challenged Mr Abbott to a debate at the National Press Club in Canberra on any day next week.

“Here’s the challenge. You pick the day next week at the National Press Club to debate the carbon price,” he said.

“The emissions trading scheme under this government, versus your scheme.

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One thought on “Aussie PM challenges oppo leader to climate debate”

  1. This debate sounds like it starts from the wrong premise: it seems to be about how to legislate climate rather than whether to do so at all.
    So I feel like the rabbi who was asked how to roast the pig: I say the thing should not be done.

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