Aussie oppo leader hit for calling CO2 trading ‘market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one’

The Age reports:

Tony Abbott’s insistence that Labor’s emissions trading scheme is an expensive exercise in buying and selling an “invisible substance” has drawn derision from climate experts and industry.

As the Rudd government prepares to detail a path from the carbon tax to an ETS a year earlier than scheduled, the Opposition Leader faces claims he is treading his own path back to the “politics of climate denial and scepticism.”

Mr Abbott’s assertion that an ETS – to be introduced on July 1, 2014, as the government will announce on Tuesday – was a “so-called market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one” sparked an immediate backlash, with critics pointing out that former Liberal prime minister John Howard designed a similar scheme.

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3 thoughts on “Aussie oppo leader hit for calling CO2 trading ‘market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one’”

  1. As the Rudd government prepares to detail a path from the carbon tax to an ETS a year earlier than scheduled, the Opposition Leader faces claims he is treading his own path back to the “politics of climate denial and scepticism

  2. The now ex-Prime Minister, ju-LIAR Gizzard, has put on record that she and her party intends to ensure that the banksters got their fair share. The recently re-installed dipstick KRudd, was part of that undertaking and will ensure that it happens.

  3. And of course Mr. Abbott is correct. The only advantage of ETS is to scammers and sleazy politicians: the scammers get to speculate in something they know is worthless and the politicians get to shift the cost of their foolishness onto the retailers of products and services instead of admitting it’s a tax.
    Wealth destruction all around.

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