Aussie Oppo Leader: Australia has ‘very big environmental challenges much nearer to home’ than climate change

The Sydney Morning Herald reports:

The Coalition has launched a revamped version of its ”green army” of young environmental volunteers but has significantly cut funding for the project.

Announcing the scheme in Sydney, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said the green army would be ”one of the signature programs of an incoming Coalition government” and would tackle issues such as degraded land and polluted waterways. Under the program, an ”army” of young workers would each be paid up to $16.03 an hour for six months’ work on projects such as cleaning riverbanks and creek beds, revegetating sand dunes and working on conservation projects.

Over the next five years, the number would rise to 15,000 workers…

Mr Abbott said climate change was important but Australia had “very big environmental challenges much nearer to home”.

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2 thoughts on “Aussie Oppo Leader: Australia has ‘very big environmental challenges much nearer to home’ than climate change”

  1. The environmental movement has so highjacked the political landscape here in Australia, that the Opposition Leader, a conservative, has no choice but to continue the rhetoric.
    Thankfully, he does not believe in the religion of “global warming” so uses the word “environment” to do what is essential to maintain our natural landscape free of unnecessary man-made pollution, like: garbage, plastic bags, plastic bottles, glass bottles etc., etc.,etc.
    And no one can fault him. Brilliant.

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