Aussie columnist: Warmists ‘not just a handful of cranky socialists or enviro-nazis’

Apparently their coalition is somewhat broader.

Peter Hartcher writes at the Sydney Morning Herald:

If you put some of the scenes of climate change distress from around the world into a movie, it’d be a blockbuster. The government of the tiny Pacific island state of Kiribati has declared a policy of orderly evacuation called ”migration with dignity” as rising seas eat the low-lying country’s habitable land; the government of India struggles to cope with almost 9 million people fleeing increasingly intense flooding.

But it happens in the real world, and we pay little heed, or, worse, pretend it’s not real. The concentration of carbon in the atmosphere reached 400 parts per million two months ago.

This is the highest it’s been for millions of years, according to ice core samples.

The people and institutions telling us what’s happening, such as the WMO, are not just a handful of cranky socialists or enviro-nazis.

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6 thoughts on “Aussie columnist: Warmists ‘not just a handful of cranky socialists or enviro-nazis’”

  1. ” Warmists ‘not just a handful of cranky socialists or enviro-nazis’”

    Nope. They’re also serial liars, grasping rent-seekers, fraudsters, paranoid psychotics, agents of hostile foreign governments, apocalyptic religious whackjobs, transnational progressives (“Tranzis”), “…and Methodists!”

  2. “not just a handful of cranky socialists or enviro-nazis”

    Yeah it is also about the parties!

  3. Maybe the Aussies have got some who aren’t cranky socialists, enviro-nazis, or hybrids thereof, but in the US, they all are.
    Which Aussie warmist isn’t one of the above?

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