Astronomer: Will inactive sun cause global cooling?

David Whitehouse writes at the Global Warming Policy Foundation:

The weakness of Cycle 24 indicates that we might be entering a period of low solar activity that may counteract man-made greenhouse temperature increases. Cold not warmth might be our future. We do not know. We must keep watching the sun.

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4 thoughts on “Astronomer: Will inactive sun cause global cooling?”

  1. It is a sign of panic that the True Believers are looking for excuses as to why their predictions have and will fail to materialize.

  2. “Why the need to genuflect at the altar of AGW?” Because AGW is a religion, and all believers in AGW are members of the Church of AGW. Halleluiah, brother Halleluiah!!!

  3. “The weakness of Cycle 24 indicates that we might be entering a period of low solar activity that may counteract man-made greenhouse temperature increases.” Why the need to genuflect at the altar of AGW?

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