Ag Sec: Obama ‘putting us on track to cleaner environment’ — NO… our environment is already clean and safe!

How clean is “clean”? Answer below.

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack writes:

Last week, President Obama outlined a Climate Action Plan to responsibly cut carbon pollution, slow the effects of climate change and put us on track to a cleaner environment.

So how clean is clean?

When nearly 100 percent of the self-proclaimed environmental movement is focused on eliminating invisible and odorless emissions of a vital and naturally occurring substance because of debatable climate change extending 100 years or more into the future, then the current physical environment can only be presumed to be already clean and safe.

Read more from Vilsack.

2 thoughts on “Ag Sec: Obama ‘putting us on track to cleaner environment’ — NO… our environment is already clean and safe!”

  1. This has nothing to do with science, nor the environment. And everything to do with government control, a mad dash toward Socialism. “Spread the wealth around” he said.
    Everything the administration says is suspect, because of this blind devotion to the “philosophy” of a dead guy named Karl …

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