Aussie oppo leader attacked as skeptic for denouncing cap-and-trade as a fraud

Carbon dioxide is invisible. Emissions can’t be monitored. Trading of permissions to emit something invisible that can’t be monitored can only result in fraud and failure — witness the European carbon market. No matter how you feel about climate science, emissions trading is pointless. Continue reading Aussie oppo leader attacked as skeptic for denouncing cap-and-trade as a fraud

Money for Nothing: Warmists say Africa and Latin America should be paid to capture carbon by leaving forests untouched reports: Continue reading Money for Nothing: Warmists say Africa and Latin America should be paid to capture carbon by leaving forests untouched

Goofy: Aussie climate minister says ‘environment doesn’t care about the price paid’ for emissions cuts

Yes, but the people who live in the environment, pay the bills — and vote — do. Continue reading Goofy: Aussie climate minister says ‘environment doesn’t care about the price paid’ for emissions cuts