WV Sen. Manchin on Obama climate plan: ‘You can’t do something that is unattainable… It’s unreasonable’

Politico reports:

President Barack Obama’s new climate change agenda may be ambitious, but experts warn it won’t be enough to avoid the worst effects of a warming planet.

The climate threat is so severe, they say, that the administration must quickly pivot from the steps it’s announcing Tuesday — including greenhouse gas regulations for power plants — to tackle other parts of the economy.

But that won’t be easy: The president is likely to stir plenty of opposition with Tuesday’s speech alone, as early reaction on the Hill on Monday made clear.

“You can’t do something that is unattainable,” said Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who famously fired a bullet through the cap-and-trade bill in a 2010 campaign ad. “It’s unreasonable. What they’re doing has never been done.”

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2 thoughts on “WV Sen. Manchin on Obama climate plan: ‘You can’t do something that is unattainable… It’s unreasonable’”

  1. Howdy Bob
    Kinda my own thought. The “progressive” agenda is based on the idea you can do lots of things that are unattainable. Money from nothing and a power grid run by hope and change.

  2. Manchin is blowing smoke. He is a Democrat and that’s what they stand for. The good folks in West Virginia voted for this. Manchin will make the appropriate noises but will go along with destruction of the West Virginia coal economy because he, first and formost, is a good Democrat.

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