7 thoughts on “Warmist WaPo Laugher: ‘Computer model projections from at least 27 groups at universities and other research institutes in nine countries have proved solid’”

  1. So they have collectively studied climate for more than 7 decades; seems like a lot of time wasted based on what they claim to know. How much taxpayer money supported them in those 7 decades?

  2. With apologies, Wilbert, but when I read your comment this phrase popped into my mind: “All your base are belong to us”.

  3. I think we know what ‘solid’ is, in this context. It’s models that agree with the projections of warming.

    What, the projections of warming are from models, you say? Oh. Okay, well they’re solid because the models agree with the models.

    What, that’s circular reasoning? Oh.

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