5 thoughts on “Unhinged: Paul Ehrlich likens tobacco cos., climate deniers and pesticide cos. to Murder, Inc.”

  1. As wrong as this guy has been over his “career”, you’d think nature would have given up and returned him to the organic humus state.

  2. I think I recall Erlich at one time proposed adding a chemical to water supply to reduce reproduction rate? Wouldn’t this be equivalent to premature death of humans, and maybe other species too.

  3. “Plutocratic swine.” It seems like jealousy and denialist that he’s shown himself to be a fool.

  4. You would think that anyone who embraces the thesis that “the human population is too large and is a direct threat to human survival and the environment of the planet” (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich) would also embrace things like tobacco and pesticides that (in his belief system) lead to more premature deaths of humans.

  5. Is there an official communist thesaurus? They always seem to gravitate to the same words.

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