2 thoughts on “UN: Renewable energy not sustainable for population growth”

  1. So the answer is to keep the poor in grinding poverty and push some of the middle class into it. That’s what kind of improvement?

  2. Just who do these Crusading Control freaks think they’re fooling with their ongoing globaloney?
    This is a dead giveaway:
    “About 70 countries around the world have signed up to try to meet the “Sustainable Energy for All” goals.”

    The marketing strategy behind this latest Crusade clearly identifies it as little beyond another re-worded and recycled “Health For All” and “Health21” farce, being promoted on the same old ideology:

    “Achieving Health For all: A Framework for Health Promotion” – Jake Epp, Health and Welfare Canada, 1986

    “Health21 – The health for all policy framework for the WHO European Region”

    The predicted “energy poverty” confronting people in Ontario, Canada, largely as a result of the “Green Energy and Green Economy Act” adoption and obscene subsidies for wind and solar as a means to replace “fossil fuel” burning plants like coal, is no secret:

    Neither is it a secret (nor surprising?) that Canada’s former Minister of Health and Welfare, Jake Epp, is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Ontario Power Generation:

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