UN meeting to ‘breathe life’ into global warming treaty prospects

But greens say UN process is ‘cumbersome, problematic, ans tedious.’

AFP reports:

Negotiators on Monday launched a new round of UN climate talks to warnings that a newly breached threshold was a wakeup call to tackle surging carbon emissions.

The 12-day talks under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) seek to breathe life into a quest to forge a pact on heat-trapping greenhouse gases…

In an interview in Manila with AFP, Greenpeace chief Kumi Naidoo said he saw “no reason to have even any sense of optimism” that momentum had improved since the last big UNFCCC meeting, held in Doha, Qatar, last December.

“The UN negotiating system is cumbersome, it is problematic, it is tedious. However, the UN, warts and all, is the best and only vehicle we have to ensure we can move forward as a united global family to address climate change.”

One thought on “UN meeting to ‘breathe life’ into global warming treaty prospects”

  1. Hey, as long as we keep the “cumbersome, problematic” process going on, we’re obstructing any effective UN-level policy and that’s a good thing. (“Effective” meaning it will actually be carried out. We all know there’s no effective human policy to change climate change.)

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