Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today

Straight from an email I received from Al Gore (Steve Milloy’s reproduced an identical one to him): I’m pleased to invite you to join me for an interactive Google Hangout with my good friend Jeff Skoll tomorrow, June 11, at 2pm EDT …. Most importantly, I want to invite you to participate in shaping the conversation by submitting your questions and watching the Hangout….

Well, I gave it a shot.

See GelbspanFiles:  “Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question about Gelbspan today

3 thoughts on “Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today”

  1. Al Gore was here in Sweden and talk climate.Wee now have waytolls in
    Goteborg.I dont like waytolls here in Goteborg.I dont like Al Gore.
    I writing email to President Vladimir Putin in Kreml about waytolls here in Sweden.I love Russia now and i think buy me a Lada Niva for rest of my life.And i think buy me a Yotaphone.Wee living in a green hell here in Sweden.Russia is my dream country now Al Gore.

  2. I love it! It is one of those “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” questions, like “Do you still beat your wife?”

  3. If you get to decide which frank questions you’re going to answer, you get to skip the frank questions you don’t want to answer.

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