9 thoughts on “Tea Party for Subsidized Energy? Atlanta group presses utility to increase use of solar power”

  1. Well meaning fools who don’t know anything about energy.

    The green’s best flunkies.

  2. The thing is though, if this were legit, it wouldn’t be an AP recap on a SFChron story.
    Atlanta is off the Cronykle’s beat by about 1500 miles.
    If story were legit it would be in the The Altanta Peachpit or whatever Georgians use for bird cage liner.

  3. Isn’t that hear say evidence spoken in the voice of a newspaper?

    But if it churns out that Debbie (bet you anything she introduced herself as Debra, but the newsers changed it to make lite of her)
    is simply misinformed about the costs involved with hooking solar into a grid, all the more reason to enlighten her.
    From the direct quotes from Dooley it should be easy. Just show her the costs of land used, cost of easements needed for the lines, the manpower involved with patching it in, the cost to maintain stand by conventional power, she should come right around.

  4. I’m always happy to fill the role of reactionary.

    The article says: “Earlier this month, Debbie Dooley, another co-founder of the Atlanta Tea Party, urged the state’s elected utility regulators on the Public Service Commission, all Republicans, to force Georgia Power to use more solar energy.”

    Tortured tangent?

  5. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Guardian shopped their tortured tangent to the GOP utility manager to evoke the response posted by Gamecock.

  6. They want to have a foil against a state operated monopoly on power generation in Georgia. If that’s a solar plant, so be it.

    “They can protect their business and say, ‘We don’t want the competition.’ They have veto power,” Dooley (spokesperson for the Atlanta Tea Party) said. “It would be like Wal-Mart saying, ‘Hey we don’t want Kmart here. We don’t want them to build.'”

    It sounds like that headline is a liberal reporter’s skewed interpretation of a tangent born of a tortured parse of the Tea Party’ statement.

    Steve Milloy – You have status and legitimacy. Reach out to Debbie Dooley and see if her story matches the SF Guardians.

  7. My local paper had an editorial a few weeks ago, in support of a bill that would exempt solar companies from state utility regulations. They declared that solar energy is free. Two paragraphs before, they said it cost $20,000 to install a system. Journalists have short attention spans.

  8. It really illustrates the effectiveness of the pro-solar propaganda. A lot of people simply do not know the truth about the excessive costs and inefficiencies of PV because the left has been so effective in hiding it and refuting it.

  9. I did some searching for Julianne Thompson, and she is in fact a Tea Partier. I found an interview of her with Neal Cavuto.

    But she and Debbie Dooley are dingbats when it comes to solar energy.

    “But Wise said he questions how many people Dooley actually represents, and he doubts the solar projects she champions are economical.

    “I just almost have to think it’s a kneejerk reaction that says if it’s solar, it has to be good,” Wise said. “And they haven’t done their homework on this extraordinary level of subsidy that this program brings to the table.”

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