Some enviros unhappy with Obama: “Proposed actions do not go nearly far enough or fast enough”

Friends of the Earth for one…

Inside Climate News reports:

Advocates for climate action were quick to rally to Obama’s side, taking encouragement from his Keystone remarks and saying that his broad array of proposals included significant steps forward.

But many also spoke of the limits on what he can do without Congress, where Republican opposition has been unyielding.

“This is not a climate plan but a selection of actions – some very welcome actions like those proposed for cutting emissions from power plants �but not the broad, ambitious plan that is needed to combat climate change and extreme weather,” said Damon Moglen, climate director of Friends of the Earth.

“President Obama’s proposed actions do not go nearly far enough or fast enough.”

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5 thoughts on “Some enviros unhappy with Obama: “Proposed actions do not go nearly far enough or fast enough””

  1. Isn’t carbon dioxide necessary for the “food” to grow? Does that mean that without carbon dioxide or the new “it” word, carbon, we don’t get any agriculture? So, where will the “food” come from then?

  2. Old Grouch: Make it Stone Age, that’s their goal – not for themselves but for us other hard-working taxpayers! They still fly around in their private jets from one climate conference to another staying in 300 dollar/night hotels and runnign from one cocktail party to another and insulting all us who do not think like they do.

  3. The only thing that will make them happy is if we go back to the 13th century.

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