Sen. Sessions, Senate colleagues renew demand for actual EPA data on global temperatures

“I have been waiting for EPA to respond to a very simple request: provide an EPA chart comparing actual global temperatures with the official predictions that were made a decade ago.”

The media release is below.


Sessions, EPW Colleagues Renew Demand For Actual EPA Data On Global Temperatures

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, organized a letter signed by all Republican EPW members to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about claims by the President regarding global temperatures. Sessions issued the following comment upon release of the letter:

To read the letter signed sent by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), along with Ranking Member David Vitter (R-LA), Sens. James Inhofe (R-OK), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Deb Fischer (R-NE), John Boozman (R-AR), John Barrasso (R-WY), and Mike Crapo (R-ID) as a PDF, please click here. Sessions’ comment upon release of the letter follows:

“To promote his global warming agenda, the President has stated that ‘temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.’ He repeated this claim just a few weeks ago. This is a specific, technical assertion that can be tested in light of actual data. For more than seven months, I have been waiting for EPA to respond to a very simple request: provide an EPA chart comparing actual global temperatures with the official predictions that were made a decade ago. But EPA won’t provide this data. The American people deserve to know if the President has the facts straight, particularly as EPA presses ahead with zealous regulations that will drive up the price of electricity and make it harder for American workers to compete in the world economy. Before the President adds new burdens on American families and workers in an effort to curb a threat of rising global temperatures, shouldn’t he and his Administration produce the data supporting his contention that temperatures are increasing faster than predicted over ten years ago? This is important because published data suggest otherwise.”


To view charts and analysis of Actual vs. Predicted Global Atmospheric Temperatures, please click here.

On November 14, 2012, President Obama stated that “the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.” Again, on May 29, 2013, the President stated: “We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or 10 years ago.”

As explained in today’s letter from Senator Sessions and his colleagues, these statements by the President “contradict the nearly universal view of those who have studied the data, including entities generally supportive of the Administration’s climate change policies.” A few examples follow:

· The Economist recently stated that “temperatures have not really risen over the past ten years…”

· The Economist also stated: “[o]ver the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat…”

· Last month, BBC News reported: “Since 1998, there has been an unexplained ‘standstill’ in the heating of the Earth’s atmosphere.”

· In an editorial published last year in the Wall Street Journal, scientists and engineers from MIT, Princeton, Cambridge, and other leading institutions explained that “perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now” and that there has been a “smaller-than-predicted warming over the 22 years since the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began issuing projections.”

U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) serves on four Senate committees: Armed Services, Judiciary, Environment and Public Works, and as Ranking Member of the Budget Committee. Visit Sessions online at his website or via YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Note: Please do not reply to this email. For further information, contact Sen. Sessions’ Press Office at (202) 224-4124.


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