Big Green, Not Big Oil, is the Enemy

“Other than food, no commodity is as important to the world as energy. Yet, because of angst-ridden theoretical speculation – not empirical science – the modern green agenda has effected an intellectual disconnect.” Continue reading Big Green, Not Big Oil, is the Enemy

Sen. Whitehouse: “Those who deny CO2 emissions contribute to climate change are ‘one step short of insane'”

Lost on Sen. Whitehouse is that skeptics argue over the sensitivity of the atmosphere to CO2 emissions and the effects of that sensitivity. Continue reading Sen. Whitehouse: “Those who deny CO2 emissions contribute to climate change are ‘one step short of insane’”

Michael Mann: ‘Bad faith actors like the Daily Caller poison our public discourse’

Interesting… let’s remember just some of Mann’s recent public discourse: Continue reading Michael Mann: ‘Bad faith actors like the Daily Caller poison our public discourse’

Video Laugher: Al Gore says Obama ‘hasn’t gotten enough credit’ for green energy stimulus

From the “Google+ Conversation with Al Gore about Combating Climate Change.” Continue reading Video Laugher: Al Gore says Obama ‘hasn’t gotten enough credit’ for green energy stimulus

Global Warming Fanatics and Three Good Reasons Not to Trust Them

“The ‘environmentalist’ movement has been trying, for many years, to shut down the capitalist system, force us all onto collective farms and make us ride around in horse-drawn buggies: That is their political agenda, which is more commonly known as Communism. It should be pointed out that this idea didn’t work out too well in China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia or any other nation on Earth that has attempted it.” Continue reading Global Warming Fanatics and Three Good Reasons Not to Trust Them

Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today

Straight from an email I received from Al Gore (Steve Milloy’s reproduced an identical one to him): I’m pleased to invite you to join me for an interactive Google Hangout with my good friend Jeff Skoll tomorrow, June 11, at 2pm EDT …. Most importantly, I want to invite you to participate in shaping the conversation by submitting your questions and watching the Hangout….

Well, I gave it a shot. Continue reading Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today