Obama takes first steps toward regulating farmland to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

“The USDA also will calculate the carbon content of farmland to determine which management practices boost soil quality and limit greenhouse-gas emissions…”

Bloomberg reports:

The department will create seven regions, each responsible for developing specific ways to mitigate climate issues. The regions will be coordinated within the USDA extension system, which works with universities to support agriculture.

The USDA also will calculate the carbon content of farmland to determine which management practices boost soil quality and limit greenhouse-gas emissions, Vilsack said. Such a step will help farmers see the short-term benefits of planting cover crops, such as alfalfa, that help slow erosion while producing less profit than corn or soybeans, he said.

14 thoughts on “Obama takes first steps toward regulating farmland to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

  1. Is there nothing the government doesn’t want to have control over. It seems that the government always has to put their 2 cents in. The issues the farmers have to deal with. The government will talk about the issues but then they won’t help out. so whats the point?

  2. Now where have I seen this before? Dividing the country up into controlled regions in which to corral people and controlling the food supply? Oh that’s right. Agenda 21!!!!!

  3. In the 19th century it was “steel plowshares poison the soil! Obama’s redux.

  4. Now that Obama is safely reelected, the Corn Belt is expendable. Of course, a lot of those blue state Dem senators can’t be too thrilled. Welcome to the Under the Bus Tour 2013 guys!! Y’all come out and give those blue senators a shout out in 2014.

  5. Soil quality is a valid issue for farmers. How is it a federal issue, though? Farmers and landowners have every reason to improve soil quality and to support research in the private sector to that end.
    And anything flying the “climate” flag should be shot on sight. Metaphorically, of course.

  6. What happens when Soil Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions come into conflict? Which one wins? Is it like the Endangered Species Act versus Windmills?

  7. Any excuse for total government control. I thought the farmers were the ones concerned about soil quality.

  8. The Administration is now planning to use the USDA to control the agricultural ‘carbon content’ to get a handle on controlling climate?
    Such vanity! Such arrogance! Such chutzpah!
    “Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.” J. W. von Goethe

  9. Will the Farmer in Chief have a toothpick in his mouth at his next presser?

    The House should defund the USDA. As well as the rest of the alphabet soup agencies.

  10. Welcome to the end of affordable food staples in the USA. Government meddling in everything.

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