Obama campaign unilaterally ups the climate nonsensus to 98%

Can’t wait until the Obama campaign goes full Spinal Tap — and moves the nonsensus to where it really belongs… 101%.

Warmists have set the climate nonsensus at 97% — now Obama’s Organizing for Action has dialed it up to 98%. From today’s OFA e-mail alert:

Friend —

It is 2013, right?

Why is it then that in 2013 we have to convince some of our lawmakers to believe in science?

Ninety-eight out of 100 climate scientists agree: Climate change is real, human activity is contributing to it, and it poses significant risks to our environment and our health.

But apparently, that’s not enough for the climate deniers in Congress.

Some have compared this so-called “warming period” to what they say are similar events during the Middle Ages. (No word yet on whether any of them were able to hop in a DeLorean to see it for themselves…)

The truth is that the warming we’ve seen in the last 100 years is much worse — and much faster — than what we’ve seen in any time period before.

If we want to get anywhere on combating climate change in Washington, we need to change the conversation — and it starts with calling out every single one of these climate deniers.

Check out this list of every climate denier we could find walking the halls of Congress — then add your name to hold these guys accountable today:


Thanks for everything — and keep up the great work.


Ivan Frishberg
Climate Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action [Emphasis added]

5 thoughts on “Obama campaign unilaterally ups the climate nonsensus to 98%”

  1. Thanks by the “deniers”‘s list, guys! My perception about US House is better now! Now I see that the US House have intelligent and realists peoples. Very good. Made my day.

  2. “Some have compared this so-called “warming period” to what they say are similar events during the Middle Ages. (No word yet on whether any of them were able to hop in a DeLorean to see it for themselves…)”

    Odd that this snark comes from those who pretend that 1000+ year old tree rings can tell us the temperature down to the .01 degree level.

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