Obama campaign dials climate Nonsensus back down to 97%

Two weeks ago, the Obama campaign unilaterally increased the Nonsensus to 98%.

This was received via e-mail from Organizing fro Action:

Friend —

President Obama has done more to combat climate change than any president in history.

And on Tuesday, he’s going to take another bold step forward — announcing a national plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare our country for the effects of climate change, and help lead the global effort to fight it.

He’s not waiting for Congress and all its climate deniers to take action, because we simply can’t afford a delay.

Step up right now — let’s get serious on climate change.

The science isn’t iffy here: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real, human activities are contributing to it, and that it presents a big threat to our health and planet.

But there are more than 100 members of the United States Congress who simply refuse to believe in climate science. House Speaker John Boehner, a man famous for denying the climate crisis because cows also produce carbon dioxide, is already out of the gate calling the President’s plan — before he’s even seen it — “absolutely crazy.”

What’s absolutely crazy is sitting back and waiting for people like John Boehner to lead the way.

Add your name — join with OFA and support the President’s call to action:




Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action [Emphasis added]

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