Michael Mann slanders House Science Committee (again)

In response to today’s climate-flavored Obama-drama, Mann wrote on his Facebook page:

My statement on President Barack Obama’s climate plan announced earlier today:

Ultimately, we need a comprehensive energy and climate policy that prices carbon pollution and levels the playing field for renewable sources of energy that are not degrading our climate and planet. But given that we have an intransigent congress (the current House Science committee leadership continues to deny even the existence of human-caused climate change), the president has been forced to turn to executive actions. His call for carbon emission limits on *all* coal-fired power plants, not just newly built plants, is a bold step forward. It will go some way to stemming our growing carbon emissions, and the impact they are having on our climate… [Emphasis added]

But as pointed out when Mann recently slandered the Science Committee in an Al Jazeera interview, the House Science Committee issued on April 25 a media release entitled, “Subcommittee Reviews Context and Uncertainty in Climate Change Science,” which stated, in part:

Washington D.C. – The Subcommittee on Environment today held a hearing to provide Members an overview of the most important scientific, technical and economic factors that should guide climate-related decision-making.

Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas): “I believe in the integrity of science. And challenging accepted beliefs through open debate is a primary part of the scientific process. To make a rational decision on climate change, we need to examine the relevant scientific issues along with the costs and benefits and better understand the uncertainties that surround both.

“Affordable, reliable energy is key to a healthy economy. American consumers and small and large businesses all depend on reliable and affordable energy. It is only through sustained economic growth that we will be able to make the investments in research and technology necessary to fully understand and properly deal with problems like climate change. We should take a step back from the claims of impending catastrophe and think critically about what we know and what we don’t know about this issue.”

In his inaugural remarks, President Obama signaled his intention to propose significant, new executive actions and regulatory measures aimed at addressing climate concerns. New Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations restricting greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing power plant facilities and other sources will likely serve as a centerpiece of the President’s climate efforts. Witnesses today discussed the significant costs of regulatory approaches to limit greenhouse gas emissions, compared to the relatively minor impact such actions would have on the future climate… [Emphasis added]

What part of that sounds like Mann’s slander that the House Science Committee “continues to deny even the existence of human-caused climate change”?

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