Magic Trees: Each urban tree saves a life per year

This is junk science because…

Airborne particulate matter doesn’t kill people.

Grist reports:

Researchers recently calculated that urban forests help save one or more people from dying every year in each of 10 major cities studied.

Trees growing in cities help clean the air of fine particulate air pollution — soot, smoke, dust, dirt — that can lodge in human lungs and cause health problems. Trees clear 71 tons of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from Atlanta’s air annually. And they suck up enough pollution to save seven or eight lives every year in New York City.

[h/t Climate Depot]

6 thoughts on “Magic Trees: Each urban tree saves a life per year”

  1. Researchers recently calculated (1934) that bumblebees cannot possibly fly.
    Researchers recently (1642) calculated the age of the earth at 6017 years.
    Researchers recently calculated the theoretical food value of the ethanol in a gas tank would feed 24 people. (I wonder what ‘theoretical food value’ tastes like!)

  2. One life each year in 10 cities which each have a population over 1 million people.

    Can someone smack whoever is responsible for these statistics? That kind of lifesaving activity can be exceeded by banning chewing gum due to people laughing at the idioticy of people who have no idea how to use numbers.

  3. I should sue over pollen release from ponderosa pine and juniper as well as seeds from cottonwoods out west.

  4. If any factory dumped as much particulate pollution in the air, or made as many people sick, as one healthy Mountain Cedar tree does in the Springtime, the EPA would shut it down and levy hefty fines on the owners.

  5. Until they can tell us who was saved, by name, it is all made up.

    “And they suck up enough pollution”

    Trees? Sucking? A little hyperbole goes a long way.

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