Losing fight vs. climate change, 10 locales around the world find ways to live with it

The Calgary Herald reports:

From Bangkok to Miami, cities and coastal areas across the globe are already building or planning defences to protect millions of people and key infrastructure from more powerful storm surges and other effects of global warming. Some are planning cities that will simply adapt to more water.

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5 thoughts on “Losing fight vs. climate change, 10 locales around the world find ways to live with it”

  1. Bangkok is primarily sinking (no sea level rise) because of the water extracted from the aquifer below the city. It could be easily fixed by cleaning excess river water, then pumping it back down. But blaming the western world for climate change is a hope the wealth redistribution can supply the politicians with addition graft revenue.

  2. It is not that these storms never existed, it is that you can now extort money from the corrupt and feeble minded by using the threat of them.

  3. A bit like the Bangladesh Ganges delta where after every big flood with disastrous results people flock back to rebuild their rickety shacks. You know what will happen sooner or later.

  4. Same here for me, marque2. The term ‘Derecho’ existed even before the 1877 paper in which a scientist applied the name to the actual system- much like el-nino and la-nina were terms in use centuries before they were tied to climate functions.

    Knowledge of the past is the bane of those who would scare the upcoming generations into stampeding whichever way they want them to.

  5. They should have been building these years ago due to the powerful effects of every idiot wanting a seafront home in hurricane country.

    I don’t get it, it is like Hurricanes, and Tornados, and large storms never existed before. Just read an article about how Global warming caused an awful dericho last week, like squall lines only occurred in the last years or so. Then I found out Dericho has been used since the late 1800’s to describe such storms. – It is just the media recently discovered the terrifying name, and started broadcasting it, to scare us about the gospel of the warming.

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