Keep Your Long Flannel Underwear: Climate Scientists Predict Hell To Freeze Over!

“If the notion of global warming has gotten you all hot and bothered, here’s something to really worry about. What if just the opposite is occurring and global temperatures not only continue to remain flat, but get much colder for a very long time? In fact, that’s exactly what some highly-credentialed and well-informed scientists are predicting.”

Read more at Forbes.

11 thoughts on “Keep Your Long Flannel Underwear: Climate Scientists Predict Hell To Freeze Over!”

  1. If you had watched the video you would know that I was talking about the Milankovitch cycles and stated the years over which the cycles take place using them to illustrate that the planet’s climate is always in a state of flux. It isn’t that the climate changes that is a problem it is that unlike the Milankovitch cycles the change due to human interaction with the climate is causing it to change faster than the biological processes can adapt to the change.

  2. If I’m leery of the data used to predict warming, I’m also leery of the data and the models on cooling. But I’ll say this: the observations do match a cooling theory better than they match a warming theory.

  3. The name of the game with global warming, climate change, or whatever the alarmism is called this week: the money. It’s an endless source of taxes (literally, on the air that we breathe) and provides yet another way for politicians to get wealthy while redistributing the proceeds as they see fit.

    What? You don’t believe that politicians can be looking out for themselves first? Take a look at this recent piece, also from Forbes, about the politician-cum-climate-evangelist, Al Gore:

    Don’t buy the lies.

  4. 16 years of non-heating is not enough to make the warmists recant. I believe that 16 years of measurable *cooling* while the CO2 continues to increase will also be insufficient to dissuade the True Believers.

  5. The sad thing is that there’s enough flexibility in the climate change narrative to cover a cooling Earth scenario without too much trouble. They’ll just say ‘we underestimated the effect of aerosols’ or something like that and keep moving forward.

  6. M J Murcott:
    The axial tilt and orbital path of Earth changes over a period measured in thousands of years. For the rest of this century you can assume that it will change very little. The solar activity is much more changeable, and we are seeing a truly amazing phenomenon right now. Today, at what is supposed to be the height of thhe sunspot cycle, there is only one numbered sunspot facing Earth. Something is changinng, and every time in the past that this has happened it has resulted in a cooler climate. Read the article.

  7. There is no credible evidence of this , but go ahead and worry yourself to death.

  8. I guess they will be going down the list of possible GHG’s just to find one that matches as soon as it’s apparent CFC’s have as little to do with climate as cO2.

  9. What is this? CFC now create global warming CO2 – no more killing the Ozone layer . . BS just total BS

    How is this for Obama’s ability to just ignore facts and truths – he attacks the Chinese actions but says little about his Administratio…See More

    Obama warns Xi that continued cybertheft would damage relations, U.S. officials said
    Obama says the theft would undermine economic ties between the two

  10. How is this for Obama’s ability to just ignore facts and truths – he attacks the Chinese actions but says little about his Administration actions to invade our Constitutional protected property. What a joke he has become . .
    A friend shared this article with you from The Washington Post:

    Obama says the theft would undermine economic ties between the two nations, U.S. officials said..

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