2 thoughts on “House panel erupts over EPA sue-settle debate”

  1. My God, this is so utterly awful. The sue-and-settle process is such a shocking moral and legal travesty that I thought the Green Left would deny it ever occurred. Instead, they’re so utterly bereft of conscience, or any sense of the integrity of the legal process, that they’re actually defending it! When vice is touted as virtue, you can be sure things have gone to Hell.

  2. The ESA needs to be revamped to the point that any idiot off the street can no longer put major projects on hold or force people off their land because of some mouse. With most species the USFWS has no hard data on the numbers and what constitutes endangerment. The service has wasted taxpayer money on developing habitat conservation plans that circumvent the critical habitat requirements of the ESA. The end product yields talking people into putting their land into a HCP in perpetuity. Talk about a land grab.
    We need to start putting people first. How many millions of dollars have been spent on protecting the whooping crane? What has been the net result of spending all this money? The people involved in all the sue and settle suits have committed fraud. They need to be held accountable since it is tax dollars being given to them.

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