Hansen testifies in UK: Authoritative that 2 deg ‘certainly dangerous’ — Climategate Flashback: 2-deg ‘plucked out of thin air’

Hansen blows hot air up Parliament’s skirt.

From the transcript of Hansen’s testimony before the House of Commons:

Q3 Chair: To what extent is there consensus in the scientific community as to what constitutes dangerous climate change?

Professor Hansen: If you ask an authoritative scientific body-like our National Academy of Sciences or your Royal Society, or any of the geophysical unions or meteorological unions-there is a consensus that warming of 2°C or more would certainly be dangerous. There is not disagreement among the relevant scientific community. You can always find a few people who disagree, but in general there is consensus on that.

Climategater Phil Jones debunks scientific credibility of 2-degree factoid.

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