Gov. Moonbeam: Nurses should organize to tell public climate threatens survival of future generations

The AP reports:

The Democratic governor spoke Thursday to a packed room of nurses wearing red shirts at the National Nurses United conference in San Francisco. The union was a strong supporter of Brown in his 2010 gubernatorial race and helped him win a tax initiative last year.

Brown said the nurses should use their organizing might to tell the public that the survival of future generations is at risk.

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4 thoughts on “Gov. Moonbeam: Nurses should organize to tell public climate threatens survival of future generations”

  1. What makes those who survive and thrive want to be hampered and harassed by a stupid little man?

  2. Humans have demonstrated the ability to thrive in a wide variety of climate conditions and to adapt to changing climates. What makes this stupid little man believe that we can’t survive and thrive a change of a degree or two per century?

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