Food Police downgrade Splenda from ‘Safe’ to ‘Caution’

This is junk science because…

The Center for Science in the Public Interest alarm is based on a lone Italian study in which Splenda reportedly was associated with leukemia in mice.

But as we learned with the saccharin-cancer debacle, rodents are not little people. Poisoning these little cancer time bombs with unrealistic doses of substances means is not relevant to humans in the slightest. Also the source of the study is of dubious repute.

Read CSPI’s announcement.

Read “False Alarm: A Report on the Center for Science in the Public Interest, 1971-2006.”

7 thoughts on “Food Police downgrade Splenda from ‘Safe’ to ‘Caution’”

  1. i used splenda for years i quit using any thing with aspertame in it and i feel much better i had headaches daily bad foot pain and several other things blurred vision and so on all that is gone now and i will never touch the stuff again

  2. So it’s junk science because it’s one study, never mind that it’s well-known that artificial sweeteners are unhealthy in the first place? Not to mention the fact that the chlorocarbon that is sucralose leads to up to a 40% shrinkage of the thymus gland and can lead to swelling of the liver and kidneys, and kidney stones. BTW, chlorocarbons are cancer risks per the Merck Manual and OSHA 40 SARA 120 Hazardous Waste Handbook, Got it; You’re FOS.

    Stick to raw sugar and honey, even agave. Leave the chemicals in the lab, not in the body.

  3. I don’t like aspertame or saccharine, both of which have a chemical aftertaste. Since I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes two years ago I have relied on Splenda to substitute for sucrose / fructose because it tastes most like sucrose / fructose as a general sweetener. I liked cyclamates but unfortunately that chemical was misrepresented in the same manner as this current “testing” for sucralose.

  4. So if we bait our mousetraps with Splenda the little vermin will all die slowly of cancer?

  5. I can’t believe it took this long to get such a study and results. Mice get cancer and die from many things–especially if you breed them to be prone to cancer. We can’t have sugar and we can’t have substitutes–any one notice a pattern here?

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