Enviros unhappy with Mayor Gloomberg’s Climate Maginot Line — Levees should be 25% higher

And then there’s the contracting corruption…

TruthDig reports:

Among the considerations is a plan to place levees 20 feet high around part of Staten Island. But according to some projections of sea level rise, that height is inadequate. The greatest predicted rise reported in The New York Times late last year was 25 feet. The long term estimates are even worse. The Guardian recently reported an eventual rise of 131 feet worldwide if nothing is done to stop or reduce the amount of carbon flowing into the atmosphere.

Additionally, to date, the fastest forecasts of alterations to the climate and wild environment are the ones that have proved most reliable, so the direst warnings appear to be the ones for which the city and others should prepare.

The price tag for the renovation project is expected to grow. If the plans do not change to match the worst predictions, reporters should be asking who is benefiting from the project’s contracts and whether the city’s funds are genuinely serving the public or if contractors and their friends in government have simply devised a way to collect checks.

10 thoughts on “Enviros unhappy with Mayor Gloomberg’s Climate Maginot Line — Levees should be 25% higher”

  1. Once jacked up, wheels could be added and the whole city moved to higher ground. The most cost effective solution would be to rename the city New Venice and let it flood – but there would not be the same opportunity of bleeding the people of cash.

  2. The current rate of sea level rise is about 3.2 mm per year according to the global warming crowd. Let’s just increase the height of levees, breakwaters, etc. 1 cm per year. That should do it.

  3. “The Guardian recently reported an eventual rise of 131 feet worldwide if nothing is done to stop or reduce the amount of carbon flowing into the atmosphere.” — Man, we told you guys about eating those mushrooms!! Psilocybin leads to some very odd hallucinations.

  4. We need a 131 foot levee (“wall”) around NYC, but don’t forget to seal the tunnels, sewers, utility access, and subways. If the rats can get in or out, so can the water. The plans are all in the 1981 Kurt Russell movie “Escape From New York”.

  5. We will power the GBJs with solar power. My firm will provide the panels needed….of course, I need about $50M in “stimulus” for R&D

  6. If Gloomberg had announced levees 25 feet high, they’d bitch and say why not 30 feet. And if he announced 131 feet, they’d say, that’s a low-ball estimate. These people cannot be satisfied with anything, it’s a loser’s game.

  7. The solution to people building in the flood zone is not to try to move the flood zone.

  8. The Green-Shirts, aren’t going to be “happy” until they’re in total control of EVERYTHING, and we’re all Pagans just like them….

    Ask ANY “Progressive”,… Ok… what is the final image of your plan? What does it look like, exactly, when we have progressed to the point you say “OK, that’s good, stop right there, go no further… its perfect”.

    What would that look like?


    There is no progress (sic) on the path to an objective, it is merely do what you’re told to do, and don’t think about anything else.


  9. Jacks, the answer is great big jacks.
    With Great Big Jacks you don’t need to build inadequate seawalls, you just jack everything up so it stays nice and dry.
    I have a plan called the GBJ Plan to secure the city from the rise in sealevels. It actually takes care of two problems because, as a side benefit, it uses all the cities garbage to fill in the space created where everything gets jacked up.
    I would be happy to discuss the details with any interested city officials, for the appropriate consulting fee of course.

  10. How does one get in on these contracts? I’m sure there are some dry rivers I can help them bridge.

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