Enviro: Extreme weather took ‘countless lives’ in the U.S. last year

But NOAA said in last weeks’s release:

The 2012 billion-dollar events included seven severe weather and tornado events, two tropical cyclone events, and the yearlong drought and its associated wildfires. These 11 events killed over 300 people and had devastating economic effects on the areas impacted. With 11 events, 2012 also ranks second highest in total number of billion-dollar events behind 2011, which had 14 events.

While “over 300” is not a precise count, it is certainly not “countless.”

Read the enviro media release.

Read the NOAA release.

4 thoughts on “Enviro: Extreme weather took ‘countless lives’ in the U.S. last year”

  1. Every accidental death is a tragedy to someone. That said, 300 lost lives in a year is quite small compared to a century ago, when 300 lost lives might be one flood.
    We’ve had extreme weather as long as people have kept legends and records about weather. I assume dinosaurs had some forms of extreme weather. Weather events don’t prove climate change, nor would climate change prove that humans cause climate change, nor would weather events necessarily prove that climate change was a net harm.

  2. Keya Chatterjee is evidently one of the Innumerable Innumerate who can’t count past 20 with their pants on.

  3. Reminds me of the story of Davy Crockett telling Congress that he once killed 106 bears in 8 months.

    Another Congressman shouted, “That’s a lie, Crockett. I know it’s a lie, because YOU CAN’T COUNT TO 106.”

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