13 thoughts on “Energy Efficiency Rip-Off: ‘Improvements’ boost UK house prices 14-38%”

  1. Your right, MTG. My first post gave the impression that I thought all was well because it was a zero-sum game from a financial perspective.

  2. Tom B, I think you and I landed in about the same place.
    Even if this zero-sums out between the one who modified the home and the next purchaser, many of the “improvements” would be worthless without the policy of energy poverty that dominates UK thinking. The resources that go into them are wasted.

  3. Robert A. Heinlein discerned the origins of tyranny very succinctly: “The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”

  4. “If they are one and the same, then we live in tyranny in the US today.”

    Zactly !!!

  5. BTW guys, there’s nothing like a controversial post now and then the engage the readers of Steve’s blog and generate a lively debate. I do appreciate your remarks and respect your opinions.

  6. Sorry. I stand by my comment. We may disagree on this, but we all agree on the larger issue – that AGW, CCS, carbon taxes, alternative energy subsidies, climate change hysteria, etc., etc. are a massive fraud perpetrated by disingenuous individuals in science and in government on an uninformed, passive and sometimes complicit public.

  7. Johan, you are confusing the symptom with the problem. The problem is Britain’s refusal to create proper energy infrastructure. The resulting symptom is energy shortages. These energy efficiency requirements are similar to giving children asprin to reduce their fever. It doesn’t affect the underlying, and much more serious, problem.

  8. No. I pointed out why housing cost, as the article’s headline worries, is not the real issue. If there’s a problem, address the problem not the symptoms. And, by the way, there’s a difference between tyranny and stupid government policy encumbering the citizenry. If they are one and the same, then we live in tyranny in the US today.

  9. A quick read of the linked article suggests that this is a zero-sum issue. Sellers realize a premium that buyers pay. In fact, economically, this seems to be a reasonably good investment for the homeowner. In addition to the energy savings, a large percentage of the home improvement is recouped when the property is sold. Many home improvements, such as a large master bedroom suite or an inground pool, while proving the homeowner with the benefit of their use, are comparatively poor investments. Obviously, this does make things more difficult for first time buyers, but that’s life.

  10. Since another UK policy is to force energy costs up and up and up, the “improvements” may pay for themselves, but only because of the drastic market distortions of the nanny-bullies.

  11. Unfortunately Britain has long ago gone beyond the limit where you MUST fix old homes to reduce energy consumption. Whether owners will get their money back or not is of no concern. The question is that soon there will not be energy anough available to keep all these huts warm so the only remedy is to insulate existing houses better, cost what it may!

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