Chinese spring snowstorm blamed on Arctic melting

It was the biggest snowfall in 50 years — so on what was that snowfall blamed?

China Daily reports:

China is a latecomer to Arctic research, and its studies are mainly focused on natural science topics such as the shrinking of sea ice as well as climate and ecological change.

But in recent years, scientists have found that China is closely linked to climate change in the Arctic — for instance, when sea ice in the Arctic melted to a record low of 3.41 million square km last summer, the biggest snowstorm in 50 years hit Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province in the spring.

5 thoughts on “Chinese spring snowstorm blamed on Arctic melting”

  1. I use that when I make a mistake in the classroom. Getting very little traction…

  2. So…What provoked the biggest snowfall 50 years ago? Too much ice in the Artic?

  3. “Sorry about running the red light officer. But I couldn’t help it, it’s global warming’s fault.”

  4. So, do we have a graph showing the correlation between Arctic ice melt and spring snow in China for years? Good r-square? Maybe we should return to the good old days when we appeased the storm gods by ritual and, in some cases, ritual sacrifice. The scientists of those days seem to be about as good as some of today’s scientists.

  5. The link between Arctic ice changes and Northern Hemisphere precipitation is fuzzy at best, of course.
    Although it is counter-intuitive that warming could produce cold events, it’s also within the realm of possibility. Weather and climate being what they are, things happen that confuse us mere mortals. I do not believe that weather is doing anything stranger than usual, but I acknowledge that, if the warmists were right, there could still be weird cold events.
    It’s a bit like people who say, “CO2 is only 400 ppm, so it can’t be driving climate or temps or weather.” It’s about how strong CO2 is at 400 ppm, not the 400 ppm itself — and CO2 is very weak at 400 ppm.

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