Canadian paper: Obama climate-Keystone link ‘more cynical ploy than principled substance’

The Ottawa Citizens editorializes:

Keystone is in America’s best interest, and certainly Canada’s, but if our government wants Keystone to go ahead, it has to acknowledge U.S. concerns about climate change. It can’t appeal to fear of non-North American sources of oil; it can’t just trumpet jobs, jobs, jobs. It can’t demonize environmentalists as “radicals;” not when the president has taken their side — even if Obama’s connection of the pipeline to his climate rhetoric is more cynical ploy than principled substance.

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One thought on “Canadian paper: Obama climate-Keystone link ‘more cynical ploy than principled substance’”

  1. If the Keystone pipeline does get built, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oil gets shipped to other countries.

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