Al Gore Admits: Scientists won’t ‘let us’ connect climate to tornadoes

Politico reports:

Former Vice President Al Gore lamented today that scientists “will not let us link record-breaking” tornadoes in Oklahoma and elsewhere to climate change because of inadequate record keeping on the twisters.

“But when you put more energy into a system, it gets more energetic,” Gore said at an environmental event in Washington hosted by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.

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8 thoughts on “Al Gore Admits: Scientists won’t ‘let us’ connect climate to tornadoes”

  1. A model is a model, not a fact. Models can be made to predict anything you want.

  2. note the waffle words: “..because of inadequate record keeping on the twisters.” How convenient. But those models are still solid…(sarc)…

  3. Okay. How did the energy get from the bottom of the ocean to the tornado in Oklahoma?

  4. Al, I thought you said the science was settled. The disconnect between local area ‘storms’ and global ‘climate’ was part of that settlement. Do you want to go back to court on this?

  5. I’d like to connect algorithm’s head to his fat ass … oh, I see that its been done already!

  6. No Al. If that were the case, then all tornadoes would be huge. All hurricanes would be huge. Energy alone does not a storm make. Wind shear, inflow outflow and other factors influence storm building. Al needs to shut the hell up.

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