Warmist Trenberth admits: ‘Climate change does not change the weather or patterns of weather much’

“Of course, tornadoes are very much a weather phenomenon.”

From a Scientific American interview with warmist Kevin Trenberth about the Oklahoma tornados:

Q: Given this potential, why did the U.S. enjoy a tornado drought recently?

A: Climate change does not change the weather or patterns of weather (much). Last year, there were anticyclonic conditions and subsiding air aloft and the jet stream was pushed way north. There are almost no storms under those circumstances. The variability from year to year is large and the El Nino phenomenon plays a big role. This year El Nino or La Nina is not in play allowing the weather to be more normal and variable. The pattern is not locked in place as it was in the past two years (in very different ways).

Read more at Scientific American.

2 thoughts on “Warmist Trenberth admits: ‘Climate change does not change the weather or patterns of weather much’”

  1. If climate change has very little effect on weather, what the heck is Trenberth on about anyway??

  2. Here in Oz, it is official: weather is NOW climate –

    “A few years ago, talking about weather and climate change in the same breath was a cardinal sin for scientists.
    Now it has become impossible to have a conversation about the weather without discussing wider climate trends, according to researchers who prepared the Australian Climate Commission’s latest report.”


    Of course, this “settled” junk climate science only applies when it is hot.

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