5 thoughts on “Pride of Stupidity: NYTimes puts ridiculous 400 ppm CO2 headline on front page, above fold”

  1. In case someone is interested in some actual facts, as opposed to “cute comebacks”, 400 ppm CO2 is 350ppm below the known area of best plant growth range (750ppm to 1250ppm). The “best plant growth range” has been confirmed through greenhouse studies and practical usage to grow commercial crops. There is also historic studies that indicates more rainfall and overall cooler temperatures within the best plant growth range.

  2. Oh behalf of my houseplants and houseplants everywhere, I object to that comment. My houseplants are far more intelligent that the average NYT reader. They know that CO2 is good for them.

  3. Robert L | May 11, 2013 at 10:00 pm says:

    “That’s some important news , to bad plants can’t read .”

    Well, the intended audience *is* your average NYT reader … so maybe they can?

    (The intended joke being: They seem to posses “the IQ of a house plant.”)

  4. Right. So it’s some gas in the atmosphere that raises fears. NYTimes has nothing to do it. Only reporting.

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