Obama’s Climate Khmer Rouge: U.S. cons Cambodia into foregoing electricity to cut emissions

Cambodians may want to leave while the leavin’s good.

“Cambodia and the United States on Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding on low emissions and climate resilient development in Cambodia, according to a press statement from the U.S. Embassy to Phnom Penh.”

Read more at XinhuaNet.

One thought on “Obama’s Climate Khmer Rouge: U.S. cons Cambodia into foregoing electricity to cut emissions”

  1. The article tells us nothing of the terms of the agreement. That it came under the label of “climate change” naturally makes it suspect, but it’s possible the US is about to help spread energy use in Cambodia.
    Poor countries are vulnerable to any kind of disruptive event. I think that Cambodia has flooding issues; of course they had flooding before anyone discussed “climate change” and they probably have the same flooding problems now that they had a century ago. Going by the map I just looked up, Cambodia’s coast should be sheltered from cyclones for the most part.
    It’s just barely possible that, if our money is going to go to Cambodia, it may go to flood control that ties into hydroelectric generation and the wily Cambodians will have actually gained from the deal. I will hope so.

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