NASA Scientist: Climate models don’t support existence of liquid water on young Earth

So do climate models say we should be here at all?

From Astrobiology Magazine:

Michael Meyer, lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA Headquarters, also pointed out that we should never become complacent in our scientific understanding. For instance, he said that while climate models have not been able to make early Mars warm enough to sustain liquid water on its surface, the same can be true for models of the young Earth.

And when it comes to understanding where a planet needs to reside in its solar system to be habitable — the so-called Goldilocks Zone where the temperature is just right for water to be liquid rather than ice or gas — he commented that “the approach [to the habitable zone] is very Goldilocks in that it’s almost a fairy tale.”

Read more at Yahoo News.

2 thoughts on “NASA Scientist: Climate models don’t support existence of liquid water on young Earth”

  1. If there was no water on the early Earth to make “primordial soup”, how could life evolve from “primordial soup’?

  2. That most of earth’s water was acreted from space is old news. Using “climate models” to guess how much water there was on young earth seems a colossal waste of money. Indeed, any reference to climate by NASA is a waste. That is NOAA’s job.

    “Green said that three Earth-observing satellites will be launched this year, and they will help us better understand how the climate is currently changing and the implications that has for our planet’s environment.”

    Let’s cancel them and resume Whitehouse tours.

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