If you can divine historical global temperatures by examining a few tree rings, then you apparently can do anything — or at least imagine you can.
About the 400 ppm CO2 threshold just reached, AZStarNet.com reports:
The speed of the change is the big worry, said Pennsylvania State’s Mann. If carbon dioxide levels go up 100 ppm over thousands or millions of years, plants and animals can adapt. But that can’t be done at the speed it is now happening.
But what plants and animals have gone extinct because atmospheric CO2 went from 280 ppm to 400 ppm? Name one, Mike. And why do plants thrive in high-CO2 greenhouses and then survive when they leave them?
what makes you think that anyone want’s to hear an idiot’s opinion.
But it only helps the “bad” plants, right? Poison oak never use to make people itch.
And never go to a basketball game in a crowded arena. Levels reach 10000 ppm by the end of the game
Cmon Dr Mann. A GREENHOUSE pumps co2 levels up to 4 times what it is naturally and those plants adapt fast and grow. Please go talk to someone that has raised plants. My grandfather had a greenhouse and even back then then they knew the trick of trying to elevate co2 levels. How do those plants respond so fast, and others dont?
So why would greenhouses ( even people that grow marijuana) pump their levels so high if it wasnt helping the plants. What, do they want to try to stop the plants from growing?. Even the pot crowd knows this:
This is not an endorsement of pot by me obviously, it is to alert you that plants love co2 like a PSU football player loves the training table
It’s a fact. Polar bears have not had enough time to evolve to use sun tan oil.
That’s why you NEVER enter a greenhouse. You’ll DIE!
That’s why the plants die in greenhouses when the operators crank the CO2 levels up to 1000 or 1500 ppm.
Typo:: “to fast” -> “too fast”