Meteorological Society prez: Global warming is ‘most grand challenging problem’ children will face in their lifetimes

At his recent Ted Talk, American Meteorological Society president Marshall Shepherd showed a slide of his children:

Screen Shot 2013-05-30 at 2.12.28 PM

and said:

“[Global warming] is probably the most grand challenging problem these two will face in their lifetime.”

5 thoughts on “Meteorological Society prez: Global warming is ‘most grand challenging problem’ children will face in their lifetimes”

  1. Okay, humanity has mixed results on these things, but we’ve only been to the police station with ours once…my dad had eight kids and he only went to the police station once, plus the cops came to the door one other time.

  2. TED = people spending other people’s money dreaming up cute but wildly impractical solutions for things that are not problems, while ignoring/suppressing the easy solutions to real problems.

  3. It should be rephrased to “only science challenged children” will have a problem with Global warming.

  4. …and we’ve done so well with those that we should try working on some others?

  5. They should be so lucky. Global warming poses no challenge that we can detect.
    Raising responsible, happy children to adulthood, dealing with debt and career issues, being a good sweetheart to husband or wife, all the challenges adults have faced since written history — those are the grand challenges.

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